Care amiche, in molte occasioni vi ho nominata Gloria Polo,
beh credo che molte sanno già chi sia, ma molte no.
Credo anche che tutti siano pronti per la sua meravigliosa ma
100% vera e certificata medicamente, scientificamtnente ed
ecleasiasticamente testimonianza. Lei è già stata diverse volte
in Italia e corre per il mondo con la sua bella historia,
ascoltate bene quello che dice perchè Gesù ha avvertito:
"Avrai la tua seconda occasione, tornerai di nuovo a vivere, ma racconterai
quello che hai visto, non una volta ma mille volte mille. E Ay di quelli
che ascoltandoti non vorranno credere perche...
Non ce peggiore sordo che quello che ha orecchie e non vuole udire, e
peggior cieco che quello che ha occhi e non vuol vedere"
Parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo alla Dottoressa Gloria Polo
poco prima di tornare la sua anima nel suo corpo carbonizzato sulla terra.
Che Dio vi illumini con il Suo Santo Spirito e che
vi benedica abbondantemente sempre!
Queridisimas amigas, finalmente les dejo la bellissima testimonianza
de la Doctora Gloria Polo.
Les he ya hablado desde mi viejo blog de ella en el 2010, y en varias
otras ocaciones en este blog. Ella viaja por todo el mundo dejando
su huella y testimonianza, ha venido en Italia y creanme que todo es 100%
certificado por los mèdicos, cientificamente comprobado y hasta
la iglesia catòlica ha aprovado todo, bueno y que màs prueba que lo que
ella misma les contarà. Les aconsejo de poner mucha atenciòn y de
tener cuidado porque Nuestro Senor le dijo esto:
"Vas a tener tu segunda ocaciòn, vas a volver en solo
por las oraciones de tus parientes, porque esto es normal, sino por
la oraciòn de un hombre (el Senor le muestra un santito campesinito
que ella ni conocìa) Y vas a ir por el mundo a contar a toda la gente
lo que has visto, no una vez, si no mil veces mil.
Y "Ay" de aquellos que abiendote escuchado no cambien su conducta
y no crean, porque no hay peor sordo que aquel que tiene oìdos
y no quiere oìr, y no hay peor ciego que aquel que tiene ojos y no
quiera ver..."
Esto se lo dijo Nuestro Senor a ella antes de remandarla a su
cuerpo muerto y carbonizado. Imaginense! Es una historia maravillosa
y verdadera. Merece la pena sacar el tiempo y escucharla amiga.
Què Dios me las siga bendiciendo y protegiendo.
Dear friends, on many occasions I have named Gloria Polo,
Well I think many already know who she is, but many do not.
I also believe that everyone is ready for her wonderful but
100% real and medically certified, and scientificaly
confermed by the Church testimony. She's already been there several times
in America and runs the world with her beautiful history,
listen carefully to what she says because Jesus warned:
"You'll get your second chance, come back to live again, but tell
what you saw, not once but a thousand times a thousand. And poor of those
that listening to you will not want to believe, because ...
There are not worse deaf ears that who does not want to hear, and
so blind that who have eyes and dont want to see "
Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Dr. Gloria Polo
shortly before returning his soul in his charred body on earth.
God bless all of you and send His Holy Spirit above you
for illuminate and give peace.
Well I think many already know who she is, but many do not.
I also believe that everyone is ready for her wonderful but
100% real and medically certified, and scientificaly
confermed by the Church testimony. She's already been there several times
in America and runs the world with her beautiful history,
listen carefully to what she says because Jesus warned:
"You'll get your second chance, come back to live again, but tell
what you saw, not once but a thousand times a thousand. And poor of those
that listening to you will not want to believe, because ...
There are not worse deaf ears that who does not want to hear, and
so blind that who have eyes and dont want to see "
Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Dr. Gloria Polo
shortly before returning his soul in his charred body on earth.
God bless all of you and send His Holy Spirit above you
for illuminate and give peace.
2 commenti:
Thank you Varla. Thank you very much. I know this message was very important to hear for me. It is not easy is it? I must turn back to God more and more and more.
Thanks God, dear Vickie, all the GLory for Him!! Hugs.
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